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Top page » Or » Used books and impressions of 11/30 Sendai Culdcept off

Last month was held on November 30 (Saturday),Sendai Culdcept offIt was also a map, and the heavy chain (Stone) for the Spikes (flat),
Such as a book or map of impressions using, I tried to briefly write.

Online League weathering's is sponsored by,Manten LeagueOf is also a map, may also be had participated little in practice table, the meaning of the retrospective of himself but is strong, please see if it is good.

Heavy chain (Stone)

This map of 12 May 2017GP Final, And of 5 May 2018Yoyogi RiborutoofuIn an adopted map, I also had been together or in previous articles.

5/3 Yoyogi Culdcept Li bolt off (use books and miscellaneous thoughts)

Upon this perfect score league spar, at the time of the book also uses the (wind book of the top of the article), good enough handedly no, (I think that greater're later than a year and a half)
Somewhere there is a problem of, I decided to consider.

Impressions of 〇 map

Basic transformer
There the number of land is in its own way, from the fact that there is also a 120G land, in the land transformer
I think the aim to achieve is whether quickest achievement plan.
Jewelry 4-5 or so to buy, devoted to magic worked out to make a transformer to land, or
As will such as jewelry purchase → level up → jewelry sell → level-up transformer, that entangled the jewelry, it will be able to take a multiple choice.

Hard close to the Jeweler
But it had been mentioned in the previous article, it increases the risk to hit the Oburitareto a large amount to buy jewelry, also, Slippage not the first place when the level in the vicinity of jewelers is increased, because things happen, such as,
If the aim to achieve that entwined the jewel, where you want to take advantage of the word 8 and magical leap.

So, while buying jewelry, but had played against several times in a manner that aims to transformer, was for the following reasons do not go well.

① difficulty of the beginning of the land ensure
Hiroyoshi's articleAs is also, course if the stop at a jeweler in the first lap because of the substantially fixed in the counter-clockwise, will be buried land and not walk ahead of than other people. Also, you do not put just stopped to gate the die is bad.

② land is not stable
Many branches, since there is also a control tower, relatively chain sharpener easy. Also cry is cut the chain before transformer.

At a loss, when it was looking at other people of the book, there was a book that was worrisome.
PAMELA is's book for Raccoon.

(Walk empty-handed →) (Improvement before the book →

Anyway won magic, because it is a book which aims to achieve without relying on the transformer, I think that I can better fight differently as ever, I thought I'd try using.
Fire versionThere was also, I think that those who will put more and more in the beginning to put a lot rather than squeeze the creature can solve the problem of ① (incidentally also less likely effect of ② The more land),
To try to make the land book as a reference.

■ walk 22: 2:26

And no item of reckless in heavy chain indeed, for access to the jeweler is required
So packed with Leap and feet, but collection means I have fewer Oita,
Jobin quickly creature deployment → Tiny Army (lucky if you can even heaven tiger)
· Gem want to rise in one expensive place, if possible in large purchase → level up (two day sell impossible if jewelry)
In feeling that, to feel the aim is increased at 15 ~ 16R.

Try using several times, a result that was also used in the three races eyes of Sendai off, still armor is necessary, to the conclusion that.
And the but I was not able to win in this form, I get much every turn 100G was so much fun after all,
Can be mass deployed a creature in the beginning, (good to be come pull even Toka asteroid of 2 sheets) creature generous and draw strengthened book is stable and unlikely
Such as, got a pretty big harvest.
As a side effect, the other party that played against once firmly loaded in is made of also was good to come to Oburitareto without and skip (but was hit several times ...)

■ Mel tick20: 7:23

The ratio of the spell has affected the book above Oita.
So that you can creature is deployed in the early stages, but is the place as much as possible you want to adopt a cost cheaper,
They are the strengths of the fire book is easy to cut the chain, because I think where the aim is also expensive land take, we try to some degree of thermal power is put out. .
In the land securing of ① of the above, like the can E pass through, such as from flying to the control tower next to after passing through the N that it is fire. Of course, since the Shote 8 is also strong, foot spell is where you want to put not and skip.
Asteroid also Oburitareto also I would like to really put two sheets, one by one do not want cut the other spelling. In accordance with the environment, it may also be changed unlikely.
Although bind mist was originally land drain, to be kept concealed (for self-defense) for Sendai off. (Used in Game 1 first is in Sendai off, win.)


■ View of time dream 19: 9:22

Wind book that Deki through the above two workbooks. I did not use in Sendai off, but I think there is still room for adjustment, should has become quite easy to use than the previous one. (Revenue means when you see now I thought I will also feel a little bit more you want)
Is either in or word 8 to barrier just annoying but, and the shutter of the fire book was strong, I tried to to strong because barrier when decided heaven tiger.
In the land securing of ①, I was a little thought seems, is good also keep as washable a creature of much HP50 placed before consciousness. Weapon Toka Amr also, it was also used actively in the level 1 opponent.

Spikes (flat)

Since Spikes was not too much discussion, the only book that was used.
It should be noted that, as the gait of Spikes, east Seputazu of videos that taught me to Hariei is now a reference. (→Around the map discussion of 21:38)
But it is somehow if Toka junction was conscious, but had never thought to here Toka Spikes. Since the map is easy to do it, such as changing the direction of turn by the position of the high land of the opponent, it was different quite simply a little consciousness. Thank you very much.

■ pride 19:11:20

There is also a 120G land, somewhere aimed at quickly up to decide a transformer, I think that it is the map that can be like a spider, previous Spikes earth book that was used in (normal) (→) It was started from the place to use, not not hardly run, that the use of fire book give up.

I wanted to use the Bowne di hunt, now it looks like a book.

Say why I started using Bowne di hunt, there is a time that does not enter the body to be a sunk competition feeling a period of time, this state 's bad, and I had seen a little beforeSesame's bookI tried using, there is a case that for some reason was unplug the bounce di Hunt barrel, because it was inadvertently said, "I will use this time".
The original of the book seems to decide the Exile of purposes, normally so better to give me 300G is strong likely, to be put to the fire book.

It was used in competition in Karusuta to try, or flew Baimisu in return from Asurana's, with or sucked in the drain magic much trouble obtained 300G is to Sesame's, but I thought whether I will defintely overtake, use even meaner continue it in.
It is that there were many suffered by fire, but the ease of use than was thought not able to move and exchange is good, and I think that it would be has become the book that fight in its own way.
(Victory used in four races eyes in Sendai off.)

League participants only strong person, it did just the game to become a cry to really, was what even greater to get thanks.
Was able to two wins in Sendai off was really great. I will do my best to not discouraged in the future.

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