
だれでも書ける みんなで作る カルドセプトのブログ★

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hi0530昨日 午後2時7分
Japanese 1 on 1 tournament (7/9 – 24)

日本の1対1トーナメント(7/9 – 24)


Andyman昨日 午後8時32分
yeah, it would be… that would also be a tedious PITA to do lol
RDude昨日 午後9時45分
I’ll have to look into that at some point. Weather it’s FF/256 or FFFF/65,536,
YuriSwine昨日 午後9時57分
I don’t think its possible to have a never ending game. Because of the passive G gain.
Andyman昨日 午後9時58分
between 2 humans it would be, with both players actively avoiding the gates
alternatively, block off the gates with Kelpie or Willow against the AI
of course, with those 2, you’d naturally keep the AI from winning, as they’d never have enough G
RDude昨日 午後10時1分
Asteroid and similar spam should make it possible against the ai.


Sunaaj今日 午前12時53分
silly question
what does synergy do
or well, how does it trigger lol
Starling今日 午前12時56分
At some point, however, everything fatigues and there’s just nothing to do unless you have cards/creatures to unfatigue them.
RDude今日 午前1時6分
@Sunaaj if you or your opponent has a creature placed on the field with the appropriate type, it will activate.
Sunaaj今日 午前1時7分
wait either or?
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前1時7分
So synergy :cearth: means if there’s any other :cearth: on the board, it will trigger
They used the wrong term imo, cause when I think synergy for/with my cards, I would think it only affects my cards, not others
KelpieIsSecondToNone今日 午前1時59分
Should have been resonance or spmething like that
Prey今日 午前4時47分
yeah resonance woulda made more sense
though what’s the mechanics name in japanese? may have been a case of going for more faithful translation


Prey今日 午前7時24分
how 2 stop people from nuking my kelpie with scrolls
Starling今日 午前7時42分
?magicshield @Prey
CuldraBOT今日 午前7時42分
Magic Shield :crarityn: :carmor: – G:20
HP+30 / Neutralizes: :cscroll: Attacks
RDude今日 午前7時45分
CuldraBOT今日 午前7時45分
Rag Doll :craritys: :ctool: – G:60
Neutralizes: :cscroll: Attacks / Neutralizes: Creatures with greater ST than equipped creature.
RDude今日 午前7時45分
Any item that boosts hp.
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前7時46分
anything that goes +xxhp is what you want
Unless it’s one of the very powerful scrolls, then you pray that you did your math right and they don’t have an edge
Prey今日 午前7時55分
time to put magic shield back in the deck, I’d forgotten about it
losing a lvl 4/5 land always feels bad
Prey今日 午前8時20分
other question, the random value ST/HP cards any good? or is there some cards that synergize with them? Whenever I see the AI use one they seem to low roll more often than not
CuldraBOT今日 午前8時20分
Spectre :crarityn: :cair:
ST:0 HP:30 MHP:30 G:30
In Battle: ST & HP= (random value between 10 and 70).


Andyman今日 午前8時21分
I love Spectre and Spectre’s Robe
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時21分
CuldraBOT今日 午前8時21分
Spectre’s Robe :crarityn: :carmor: – G:60
ST & HP+ (random value between 10 and 70).
Andyman今日 午前8時21分
could be 20/20… could be 140/140… be afraid!
Prey今日 午前8時21分
the robe seems a little better since you still get your baseline :sweat_smile:
I’ve been using uh
whatever it’s called, the water spell that inflicts it on a monster
but generally onto opponent’s tiles
Andyman今日 午前8時22分
Liquid Form is almost a negative enchantment in Revolt
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時26分
Spectre’s Robe can be great
someONE hates it @Andyman
Andyman今日 午前8時26分
not me :smiley:
I friggin’ love the Robe, mainly because it’s dual-use and and offensive Armor (which Revolt doesn’t have many of)
Prey今日 午前8時27分
Yeah just looking at the math it’s slightly above average statistically. Like

a spectre should average as a 40/40 though of course half the time it’s above that and half below

but spectres robe as an equip that averages +40/+40 is better than say 30/30 of the catapult
Andyman今日 午前8時27分
and it messes people all up hehe
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時28分
also if your creature is let’s say 40hp and they have a 40st scroll, even 1 extra hp from the robe will make your creature survive
then you have the st factor on your creature, you can barely survive and kill their shit in one card
Andyman今日 午前8時29分
Robe + Regenerates is awesome too
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時29分
Prey今日 午前8時30分
What’s the most common format people play multiplayer, 1v1’s I’d assume? 4 player ffa? do team games happen much?
Andyman今日 午前8時30分
all 3 are pretty common in Revolt


Prey今日 午前8時31分
that’s cool :smiley:
unrelated I just realized I’ve been a lot more scared of kaiser penguin than I needed to be
CuldraBOT今日 午前8時31分
Kaiser Penguin :craritys: :cwater:
ST:30 HP:50 MHP:50 G:90
Item Limit: :cnoscroll:
Battle Start: Destroys opponent’s tool, scroll, or supporting creature.
Prey今日 午前8時31分
thought it destroyed all equipment when I first ran into it and saw the “destroy item” text popped up
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時32分
Andyman今日 午前8時32分
Penguin IS scary
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時32分
it’s still good against certain books like support books
Andyman今日 午前8時32分
CuldraBOT今日 午前8時32分
Reactive Armor :crarityr: :carmor: – G:50
Battle Start: Destroys opponent’s weapon. / HP+30
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時32分
Andyman今日 午前8時32分
good luck taking Chilly Willy out when he’s on Water
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時32分
it can destroy anything
Andyman今日 午前8時33分
except Armor
Prey今日 午前8時33分
armor isn’t gonna help me when he’s trying to shake me down for 2000g
Andyman今日 午前8時33分
but except for Robe, there isn’t much Armor you can use to hurt somebody with
Prey今日 午前8時33分
maybe that mask that reflects damage?
oh that’s an item not armor
Andyman今日 午前8時33分
Angry Mask wouldn’t kill Penguin
he’s 20/50
sorry, 30/50
Prey今日 午前8時34分
maybe my opponent foolishly gave him a spectre robe and rolled 70 damage
Andyman今日 午前8時34分
and he’d smash it anyway
Prey今日 午前8時34分
and I did enough damage to kill him after getting smacked for 100
very plausible scenario
Andyman今日 午前8時35分
Penguin having 50MHP makes him a nice defense against Shining Geyser too
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時35分
and if you use reactive armor it’s 80hp + level of land boost (if water)
Andyman今日 午前8時36分
heck yeah
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時37分
at that rate, you need spectre’s robes to be very strong, or moderately strong on a penetrating creature
meaning, you need specific things, that makes your chances lower
Andyman今日 午前8時38分
yes, Penguin shrinks the window of opportunity down to super-small size
they’d need something like Sage + massively strong item
or they could avoid the toll with Scylla
it’s all pretty niche stuff
KelpieIsSecondToNone今日 午前8時40分
Status exile?:p
Prey今日 午前8時40分
Could you run a no monster deck? just trying to lap fast enough to win
Andyman今日 午前8時40分
@KelpieIsSecondToNone right, but that’s a 2-step thing
see also: 2 turns
@Prey yes, but you’d have to be super creative with it and only on certain large maps
Prey今日 午前8時41分
cool cool
Andyman今日 午前8時41分
even then, a lot could derail it
Prey今日 午前8時41分
that’s enough inane questions from me for now xp
Andyman今日 午前8時41分
you’re all good :smiley:
Prey今日 午前8時41分
I find the strategy of the game so interesting
I really want to get all the cards so I can just sit and try to craft decks
Andyman今日 午前8時42分
having 4x of everything takes Culdcept to a whole other level


RDude今日 午前8時44分
Specter Robe appears to be the #1 item used in Japan, just because it is the only Armor that directly boost st, it’s got that 40/40 average, and it’s not destroyed by Gremlin’s Eye.


Andyman今日 午前8時44分

Prey今日 午前8時44分
where do you get the usage stats from? are they on culdceptcentral somewhere?

どこから使用統計を取得しますか?Culdcept Centralのどこかに載っていますか?

Andyman今日 午前8時45分
I just love how it jacks up people with math cough @YuriSwine cough

数学で担がれる人見るの好きだわー ねえYuriSwine

Prey今日 午前8時45分
gotta calculate the odds you don’t screw yourself


OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時46分
@Andyman hahahahaha
RDude今日 午前8時46分
I looked through the #book2ping on twitter and the tournament videos that hi0530 posts.


Andyman今日 午前8時46分
I also love just holding the thing… people are like “should I invade? naaah, not worth it…”


OldWillowIsBest今日 午前8時47分
@Andyman :oldwilHeart:
the heart is amazing on mobile


Prey今日 午前8時47分
oh, more inane questions actually, are there strong monocoloured decks out there?


Andyman今日 午前8時47分
there’s strong decks of all kinds tbh


RDude今日 午前8時48分
A lot of 4-player books only have that and Living Glove for offense, which is why Living Amulet is popular too.


Andyman今日 午前8時48分
the big thing with a pure mono deck is including things to overcome stuff that counters that color hard
like, stuff to deal with Dhampir when you’re running Earth


Prey今日 午前8時48分
What sorta stuff is there to fill that role?


Andyman今日 午前8時49分
Turn to the Wall is a good universal problem-solver


Prey今日 午前8時49分
oh yeah :eyes:

RDude今日 午前8時50分
TttW is great, it solves so much stuff.


Andyman今日 午前8時52分
I so miss Polymorph though


RDude今日 午前8時53分
Mono color books is very common books in Japan, because of the preference of 4-player matches they have witch struggles to find land to put your creatures. 4-player matches is actually the rarest format that we play, just because people wants to play teams when we get them.
*get that many players

単色ブックは、日本では非常に一般的な本です。なぜなら、彼らはクリーチャーを置く土地を見つけようとする魔法(走りブック)使いの4人の試合を好むからです。 4人のプレーヤーの試合は、実際に私たちがプレイする最も希少なフォーマットです。

Andyman今日 午前8時54分
@Prey overall, like RDude said, you’ll see mostly mono decks that include some Neutral to solve problems


Prey今日 午前8時55分
I see I see, really cool
what about an all neutral deck? seems like that could work alright in 4 player


Andyman今日 午前8時56分
sure, though it’s tricky to pull off
one big advantage of Neutral is you can chain whatever’s available
one big disadvantage of it is you’re always Holy Banishment bait


YuriSwine今日 午前8時57分
meh just go Gears
and laugh at banishment


Andyman今日 午前8時57分
good luck making a Gearion in a multiplayer match 🙂


YuriSwine今日 午前8時58分
then…they banish androgear and you get sad


RDude今日 午前8時58分
Neutral is a great mono type, but the only problem is is that Armored Dragon single handily destroys those books.


YuriSwine今日 午前8時58分
I have made MANY a geraion in this version in a 4 person game even


Andyman今日 午前8時58分
Gearion also isn’t all that great anyway


YuriSwine今日 午前8時58分
Ya…being an 80/80 uou can’t really pick up
becuase you know its cost is so high
while evos get to be parctily free


Andyman今日 午前8時58分
that Angry Mask beats like a redheaded stepchild 🙂


YuriSwine今日 午前8時59分
I am still tilted geraion is not a 90/90
like wtf guys


RDude今日 午前8時59分
I like that one of the Japanese books was a Orge Lord/Andro Gear book to counter Triminat


Andyman今日 午前8時59分
it should be 90/90 yes


YuriSwine今日 午前8時59分

Andyman今日 午前9時0分
of course, Halfling is always fun too


Prey今日 午前9時0分
mad harlequin is nice, I wanna add more copies of him to my deck
cool ability + vigorous


YuriSwine今日 午前9時0分
ya harlequin is pretty much the most op new card


OldWillowIsBest今日 午前9時0分


YuriSwine今日 午前9時0分
in most situations
sure there is times it is not but in at least 70% of the time its the best card you could play


RDude今日 午前9時1分
One of the few S tier cards in the game.

珍しくTier Sのカードだね。

Andyman今日 午前9時1分
I always enjoy the frenzy that follows somebody summoning MH in a multiplayer game
kill it! KILL IT!


YuriSwine今日 午前9時2分
my decks tend to just ignore it
since they try to do their own thing
yet…are so depdent on a single card or two


Andyman今日 午前9時2分
yeah, if you can ignore MH, that’s a beautiful thing


YuriSwine今日 午前9時2分
that they lose to posin mind


RDude今日 午前9時2分
Target #2 after OldWillow/Kelpie.


YuriSwine今日 午前9時3分

RDude今日 午前9時3分
For some people anyway.
Hyde is very strong too.


Prey今日 午前9時3分
CuldraBOT今日 午前9時3分
Hyde :craritys: :cwater:
ST:30 HP:30 MHP:30 G:20+ :cwater:
Land Limit: :cnofire:
Secret Art (50G): Adds “Paralysis” :csenchant: to target creature.

Prey今日 午前9時3分
oh geeze
that secret art


YuriSwine今日 午前9時4分
Hyde is just annoying


Andyman今日 午前9時4分
Hyde is so much better now because of the SA move to the spell phase


YuriSwine今日 午前9時4分
like fuck you I just placed my Peace


RDude今日 午前9時4分
Paralyze+invade the same turn is a very real threat.


YuriSwine今日 午前9時4分
looking at you @Gary Kaiba


Andyman今日 午前9時4分
but you still have to follow it that same turn with an invasion
just paralyzing is just a nuisance most of the time


RDude今日 午前9時5分
The winner of the championship in Japan used that combo.
That book they used was soooo good.


Andyman今日 午前9時6分
paralysis definitely is an awesome catch-all counter though


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時7分
It is one of the best offensive strategies in the game


Andyman今日 午前9時7分
@Prey paralysis is really handy to shut down boosting creatures too


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時7分
Almost objectively


RDude今日 午前9時7分
The only thing I could ask for in that book was Birdmaiden/Chariot/Slempir for movement.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時8分
Was the tournament 1v1?


Prey今日 午前9時8分
yeah, boosting stuff honestly feels kinda weak with how anything can overwrite it


RDude今日 午前9時8分

Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時8分
Hmm. Yeah. I’d have to agree with movement overall, but what else was in the deck
When I played ds, not a single person I ever played against used chariot, thougj revolt is a different beast


RDude今日 午前9時10分
The book was used in the top video, all the books used is listed below: https://blog.culdcept.net/h0530/201807060520


YuriSwine今日 午前9時10分
Chariot with the changes they made to some things in revolt
really bumped it up


RDude今日 午前9時12分

Oh, it does have chariot.

Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時13分
That is a vicious deck for a small map


RDude今日 午前9時13分
It was a very 1-sided match.


YuriSwine今日 午前9時14分
is that bright world?


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時14分


RDude今日 午前9時14分
That and the Orge Lord book was basically the only non-mono book in the tournament.


YuriSwine今日 午前9時14分
idk I don’t feel like that deck is very good
thats just the feeling I get from looking at it


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時14分
Someone would need to specifically counter that to really hurt this person
Though that type of deck does have a really hard counter


Weslord今日 午前9時15分
I know you mean SIgurd, but I want to say Ray of Law.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時15分
But perhaps it’s not in Japanese meta to counter it


Andyman今日 午前9時15分
the 2 Ray spells would be so fun in a spoiler FFA deck

2つのレイ(レイオブロウ&レイオブパージ)はFree For Atackのブックでは楽しくなりそうですね。

Weslord今日 午前9時16分
But Sigurd would have to operate from out of the hand.
Since any on the board are open to be paralyzed.


RDude今日 午前9時16分
Any counter to world cards (including your own) would put a lot of pressure on the book.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時17分
It definitely has a few holes, but it doesn’t need too much to go right to be dangerous


Weslord今日 午前9時17分
Which is also risky.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時18分
Just if someone does counter you, he has no defense against it


Weslord今日 午前9時18分
I think this book outmeta’ed the western meta.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時18分
Though his lack of draw power I think might actually be a good thing


YuriSwine今日 午前9時19分
idk I look at that book and I see weakness is all I see


RDude今日 午前9時19分
Poisoned mind would do the book good, most counters to world cards are used right away.


Weslord今日 午前9時20分
To maybe tusker and sigurd.
But they can’t hold land against paralysis.


RDude今日 午前9時20分
And they have both Hyde and the spell for that.
Video is only 20 minutes long and shows off the book’s good side.


Weslord今日 午前9時22分
Cait Sith can hold them off.
Strangely enough.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時23分
That deck does rely on napalm arrow and Murasame for that it seems


RDude今日 午前9時23分
Bright World making Pyroculus useless was insult to injury.


Weslord今日 午前9時23分
At least it’s only 2 things that can ruin your day.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時25分
True, but even a high level Cait sith doesn’t have too many item options to survive against either of those 2 items
Reactive armor seems like a safe bet there
What color is the most popular in Japan?
Typhon is preferred to tiamat
Though that might be because there are mh to actually occupy those lands easier


RDude今日 午前9時42分
It’s hard to say, but Fire, Earth, and Air monos in that order was the most used for the 1v1 tournament. Water wasn’t even used besides as support for other types.
That holds true for the other 1v1 books I’ve seen too. (With Water Mono at least being rare).
Though some duel type books are becoming posted a bit more.


Gary Kaiba今日 午前9時56分
Multiple colors means more tools. I imagine the offensive deck must be able to kill single color turtle decks that just value race.


Andyman今日 午前1時28分
I keep circling back to the thought that dual-element decks might have the best balance in Revolt… what do you guys think?


RDude今日 午前1時31分
First, I’ve been taught something important over the last few months.


CuldraBOT今日 午前1時31分
No Andy, it’s Book, not deck!
OldWillowIsBest今日 午前1時32分
:joy: :joy: :joy:
Andyman今日 午前1時34分
you’ll never break me of that hehehe


RDude今日 午前1時35分
Beside that, I prefer to use duel elements, with its greater variety, but single elements has the advantage of making a more focused single chain, and having pre-req creatures available with greater ease. Both has good use.


Andyman今日 午前1時36分
I suppose the key is to emphasize the strengths of each while minimizing the weaknesses
that’s kinda obvious lol… but it’s a lot easier said than done


RDude今日 午前1時43分
Most 2-player books in Japan is still mono, but a lot of card in their books is from the 4-player format, but duel elements is getting more use as they became used to the format. Though I do think that a lot of the cards that they use we should be using a bit more, defensive or offensive can appreciate magical leap and land transfer. Even the different element shift cards aren’t used a lot as it might be thought, though that might just be because they are such plain basic cards.


Andyman今日 午前1時45分
Magical Leap is amazing; I’ve been including more and more of that


RDude今日 午前1時47分
The couple times I had a free match online in Japan you saw books like what we use, so it might be us being behind and are still on the same level of random causal players here and there, but it’s still trying to compare 2 groups of people with different format preference and related mindset.


Andyman今日 午前1時48分
the meta is a funny thing, how it comes and goes
as far as dual-element decks go, I’m gaining more appreciation for what they did to promote Fire+Earth and Water+Air setups
I do wish we had more off-color combo helpers, but what we have is pretty great


RDude今日 午前1時51分


CuldraBOT今日 午前1時51分
No Andy, it’s Book, not deck!


Andyman今日 午前1時51分
told you 😉


RDude今日 午前1時56分
I find it funny that of the final 4 books, 2 was Fire/Tiamat books, one was a anti-Tiamat book (that lost), and the winner was a Tiamat book on steroids.


Andyman今日 午前1時57分
along that line, I think a deck focused on getting Tiamat and Typhon on the map ASAP (and in great quantities) could be really hard to deal with
those 2 can drop the hammer like few other creatures in the game can
those 2 + Spectre’s Robe = AAAAAAHHHHH!!!


RDude今日 午前1時59分
The book can have a hard time going, but when it does, it’s will destroy everything in sight.


Andyman今日 午前2時0分
a few Vigorous minions, maybe some Exchange and you’re off and running


RDude今日 午前2時3分
Flame Duke really makes 1/5 of the book critical focused. There’s no good setup that can survive while paralyzed, and non-paralyzed creatures better be on the look out.


Andyman今日 午前2時6分
there’s a nasty, nasty setup lurking in there, considering that focusing on Typhon and Tiamat together would also make Birdmaiden, Mad Harlequin and Sleipnir all fit within the color scheme
and it would be playable at any point on the aggressive/passive spectrum
if you needed to go smash something, you could, and if you just wanted to hold land well, you could
eesh, with MH help, you could smash something for up to 225ST with the Robe on
without, up to 195… that’s terrifying


RDude今日 午前2時40分
It’s base St+20 from Mad Harlequin or a item makes 120, and there’s no creature that can survive that power without a item or ability. That’s the true terror of that book.


Andyman今日 午前2時41分
toss in some Angry Mask and make them squirm even more
and/or Spiked Shield


RDude今日 午前2時44分
Archbishop solves so many problems for that book too. There’s the Cepter/world enchantment that can gives problems, but Archbishop defensively or archbishop + Hyde offensively takes out nearly everything in the game.


Andyman今日 午前2時45分
yeah, there’s a lot of other stuff you could work in to take care of the obscure problems
4 prereqs looks rough on the surface, but with Birdmaiden and MH in it, you’d have no trouble most of the time grabbing them
I didn’t notice before that Exchange is only 60G… that’s kinda silly
you could get Typhon or Tiamat on the map at turn 2 with that

エクスチェンジが60Gぽっきりなの気づいてなかったわ マジかよ

OldWillowIsBest今日 午前2時50分
@RDude why do you think andy loses his matches now? Culdra is displeased


Andyman今日 午前2時50分

RDude今日 午前2時53分
Yeah, that is the point of exchange. It does act to swap out a creature on the spell phase, but the main selling point is to bypass the cost of the card you’re placing. It even says it on the hint for the card. But you have to remember that it’s 60+cost of the first creature.


Andyman今日 午前2時54分
I just like that you get around the prereqs (same as you did with Replace in Saga)
but Exchange is cheaper

RDude今日 午前2時55分
That would be a great card in a Goomba book now I think about it.

Andyman今日 午前2時55分
I could see it with Goblins too
or PEs (or any cheapo minions, really)
Typhon + PEs + Storm Halberd would be pretty terrifying too

テュポーン+パウダーイーターたくさん+ストームハルバード ってすごいよ

RDude今日 午前2時57分
Does shapeshifter copy the boost of the original creature from like fat body?


Andyman今日 午前2時57分
no, you get the base version


OldWillowIsBest今日 午前2時57分


RDude今日 午前2時57分
Ok, I thought so.


Andyman今日 午前2時58分
Shapeshifter is still pretty awesome though
much better than in Saga


RDude今日 午前3時1分
Right now I’m just trying to think of a single card that can counter that book (and Turn to the Wall).


Andyman今日 午前3時2分
Great Tusker would be a nuisance, but TttW handles that, yeah


RDude今日 午前3時3分
Actually more like that book with the existing Hyde
Only thing that is safe is anything with natural anti-spell.


Andyman今日 午前3時4分
even that, not so much
Cait would seem to be a big problem, until you remember Birdmaiden + Spectre’s Robe is in it
jump over, then pounce
I think I’d put a little Nike in this, just for things like that

ケットシーならかなり対抗できるんじゃないかと思うじゃん? でも相手にバードメイデンとスペクターローブ入ってたらどうよ

RDude今日 午前3時6分
That book only has 1 chariot in the book, but yeah copycats will want Slenpir/Birdmaiden in it.
Either of the neutralize counter cards handles it too.
Neutralize counter = cards that counter neutralize.


Andyman今日 午前3時9分
probably some Murasame just for that
and/or Napalm Arrow


RDude今日 午前3時10分
It’s got one of both in the book


Andyman今日 午前3時10分
I haven’t looked at that one, just brainstorming :smiley:


RDude今日 午前3時12分
There’s really no good defense against it, but there’s different spells it is weak to, and the fact that it needs setup hurts it, but not as much as you would think.


Andyman今日 午前3時12分
what spells do you think?
against it, I mean


RDude今日 午前3時16分
The general hassle cards like shatter and Turn to the wall can be used without problems, Geyser takes out the support cards, etc. It’s strong offense, but lacks spell counter besides a couple shatters.


Andyman今日 午前3時20分
oh, you mean that deck specifically… I meant vs. this strategy in general
I really like that this deck is strong against item deprivation
Tiamat/Typhon+MH is pretty self-sustaining
in most matches, this thing would steadily start more fires than anybody could put out
like against TttW… what do they target of yours? If they focus on Birdmaiden, you still steamroll them with Chariot and Sleipnir
if they focus on Mad Harlequin, you’re still pretty scary
if they focus on Tiamat or Typhon, you still have others
and with Exchange, the heavy hitters just come right back

ほとんどの試合では、ターンウォールなどの対策をしなければ大災害になるでしょう。…何を壁にしましょうか? バードメイデンはチャリオットやスレイプニルで代用されるし、マッドハーレクインにしてもまだ脅威は残ります。ティアマト、テュポーンもエクスチェンジがあればすぐにまた配置されてしまいます。

RDude今日 午前3時34分
A combination of Poisoned Mind +Your Own World card+Shining Geyser or Holly Banishment stops the book from starting, with the high amount of prerequisites it has. Early Poisoned Mind in general will hurt real bad.


Andyman今日 午前3時34分
yeah, but PM is that way against any strategy really
I’d probably include Reincarnation to dig deep quickly
my impression of this strategy overall is that it takes a whole lot more to counter it than it does to use it successfully
aside from the prereqs, there’s not a whole lot that can go wrong with it
I think I’d go with Purify as a catch-all counter for the major showstoppers
just wipe the place clean and march on


RDude今日 午前3時46分
I don’t see purify working that much for this book. Archbishop and Hyde handles creatures, Magical Leap is good from holy words, there’s not really any major enchantment the opponent can put on you or themselves besides barrier, and your World cards can overwrite the opponent world spells. And most importantly purify will remove your own world effect, so you can only use it when you don’t have it up or need it anymore.

このブックに対してピュアリファイが機能するようには思えません。 アーチビショップとハイドはクリーチャーを扱い、マジカルリープがあればホーリーワードは怖くありません。強力なセプター呪いもありません。(ピュアリファイがなくても)あなたの世界呪いは相手の世界呪いを上書きすることができます。 そして、最も重要なのは、あなたの世界呪いも消してしまうので使えるチャンスが限られてしまいます。

Andyman今日 午前3時48分
it does have to fit how you play it
I’ll happily wipe a few of my own enchantments off if it means I royally wreck somebody else doing it
I don’t like Hyde at all in it, because that’s yet another prereq
there’s other ways to get his effect without adding a Water
he’s also easily killed on the map, so you might get 1, maybe 2, uses out of him
but again, that’s preference


RDude今日 午前3時54分
Japan doesn’t use Shining Geyser much still, probably because of the high use of 50+HP creatures, and Mad Harlequin is great for protecting your wimpy cards.
My book has a lot of wimps, and MH is the greatest help they can get.


Andyman今日 午前3時58分
yeah, MH is really handy for that


OldWillowIsBest今日 午前4時3分
every time I see MH I think Monster Hunter?


Andyman今日 午前4時3分

Prey今日 午前4時13分
Monster hunter culdcept crossover
both ways of that could work pretty well
monhun themed cards like Rathalos, Diablos, Lao-shan-lung etc.
or monster hunter with cards like Tiamat turned into monsters




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